Saturday, November 23, 2013

L O V E...

All these days my blogs were about places i saw, but this time its all about humans i have met known seen etc.

These days ppl behavior around me fascinates me alot. There are all kinds of people around us, parents, kids, friends,relatives, colleagues, neighbors, your fav celebrity and a person who sits next to you in bus whom you will never meet in your whole life again..oh the list is endless and their behavior is very interesting.

Coming to human behavior, among all the relations i have seen so far, a parent's love to child is the only selfless love. there is no expectation in return, no grudge held when hurt and still will do and want the best to her child. Can the love be so selfless and pure? I recently saw a 85 year old women serving alcohol to her 67 year old son, just to make him happy, she must have given birth to her son at the age of 15-16, so its been 67 years of pure love, so tat exists!! But there is a catch, its a curse that the child will not love back its parent with equal intensity.

The next important person is your partner, In this country people do love, arranged marriages. Their relationship is a very long journey where it goes through lots of ups and downs,which has love, hate, anger, fight, support, sympathy, care all human emotions. I met a wise man other day who says 70% of Indian couples want to get out of relation, so does it mean the love has run out of its course? I would say yes, but I must appreciate the Indian society where the society norms makes the person to hold on to things till the last string is pulled out, the reasons could be many, it could be child , money or you are so used to your partner that you have a high tolerance to everything and you just go on with the flow. etc

In all the rest of the relations, i feel its mostly give and take, if you are good to me, if you help me in tougher times, if you save me situations its a thankful love which will be strong in initial days and gradually the impact on human mind decreases and over years it remains just as a memory.You will be grateful to the other person and will help that person in need but that thats all, you will not love that person purely.

The most selfish love is, love towards GOD!! Yes, you pray god endlessly, you worship god endlessly, but there is so much selfishness in that love that every time you remember good is when you are in need, you spend hours, days, years in worshiping him so that he does miracle to you, he saves your from troubles, he gives you the best, so i feel tats the most overrated Love :)

Even though we are taught to be kind to poor, love all in schools for as much as 20 years, i feel its just not in human nature tat he love all at all the time selflessly

I can't end the topic without mentioning the last but not the least love which is friendship. That is one relationship which turns more sweet over the period of time. but if there exists a pure friendship between two people no matter what happen in each others life, they always wish best for each other, isn't it the next best love after parent's love?

How many agree?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree. I believe, friends can be family, beyond "family". It is not necessary that we become friends to people selflessly. But yes, in course of time, a few handful friendships turn out to be the most selfless ones.