Friday, November 20, 2009

Me myself and Native

After 6 long years of working.....a break for natural circumstances is a welcome change. That to the break to be enjoyed with mom and mother nature is a topping on an icecream.

The daily routine included a morning walk, working from home/cyber cafe, eating nutrious food,
watching mother nature etc.

The best part is....there is no honking of tata sumo's early morning, no jhat driving bullet in the
middle of night, no lorry driving around with its horrible sound.

The bearutiful is when u go for a walk in the morning.....u can hear only chirping of birds, those
cycle bells, the calm, fog covered coconut trees instead of fog covered dlf concrete jungle. small
river which is eager to join the sea nearby. It makes ur mind calmer compared to constant honking at traffic signals on the way to office. u feel how much u hav missed things in life :)

The lifestyle, people, even the animals, birds have so much stability in hurry to run as
if to conquer the world, the evening walk from cyber cafe to home make me see so many things. Those traditionals homes lit with light, the tulsi infront of house lit with light, group of ppl doing
bhajans, men returning from work with fresh fish in their hands, birds returning home
enthusiastically. am mesmerized by every small little thing of this small city :)

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