Friday, November 20, 2009

Me myself and Native

After 6 long years of working.....a break for natural circumstances is a welcome change. That to the break to be enjoyed with mom and mother nature is a topping on an icecream.

The daily routine included a morning walk, working from home/cyber cafe, eating nutrious food,
watching mother nature etc.

The best part is....there is no honking of tata sumo's early morning, no jhat driving bullet in the
middle of night, no lorry driving around with its horrible sound.

The bearutiful is when u go for a walk in the morning.....u can hear only chirping of birds, those
cycle bells, the calm, fog covered coconut trees instead of fog covered dlf concrete jungle. small
river which is eager to join the sea nearby. It makes ur mind calmer compared to constant honking at traffic signals on the way to office. u feel how much u hav missed things in life :)

The lifestyle, people, even the animals, birds have so much stability in hurry to run as
if to conquer the world, the evening walk from cyber cafe to home make me see so many things. Those traditionals homes lit with light, the tulsi infront of house lit with light, group of ppl doing
bhajans, men returning from work with fresh fish in their hands, birds returning home
enthusiastically. am mesmerized by every small little thing of this small city :)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Love is

Always patient n kind,
never jealous,
never boastful,
nor conceded,
never rude or selfish,
does not take offense,
is not resentful,
takes no pleasure in other people sense, in the delight and truth...

Always ready to excuse, trust, hope ,to endure whatever comes

- Walk to remember

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

An Evening in Paris

Landing on friday at mid afternoon at Paris est with bunch of friends and lotzzzz of excitement was jittery. The first challenge was to search the hotel(as it is mostly french n little english spoken country), somehow with great research of a friend it made things easy. Luckily the hotel was just few meters away from eiffel....but when i saw the upper half of eiffel from far, the reaction was "i am seriously dissappoionted" i also felt....did i cum so far to see this?? But when i saw the complete view of eiffel i was speechless!!!! And believe me the view from top of eiffel is spectacular....the whole city was so beautiful :) The night view of eiffel is again speechless

The second day trip to disney land was...(no words to express) Entering the disney land made an actual feeling of being in a fantasy land....all the characters which i saw from childhood days came alive in disney land...mickey, miny, alladin, lion king, mermaid, winnie the pooh ...the list goes on...and those scary adventurous rides was mind blowing!!!!

The thrid day trip on sean river to louvre museum just for a glance of mona lisa smile was thrilling....i felt the life got fullfilled after seeing her ;)

The good points:

Most romantic place in the world (PDA rate is very high)

Disney land

Loads of museum with beautiful paintings from 15th century till date

City is alive 24 hrs

Highly fashion consious junta

You can find at least one person playing a beautiful tune with any instrument at every corner

Its luv luv n luv everywhere

Bad points:

City is as dirty as any city in India.

Metro is very old .......and when u take a ride it feels like u r in a adventure ride!!!!

Every place has loooooooong names ex:(Charles de Gaulle - Étoile)

Going to paris from swizz made our impression about ppl more bad as they were not half friendly as swizz pals

But truly in the end its a lifetime experience, no 2 thots abt tat!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Me Myself and Zurich Part II

Few more points which i got educated here are:

Bata shoes are from swizz

wen u walk on a foot path and meet a swizz person he gives a warm smile n says hi

wen u meet an Indian on the way his expression will be "oh god...u too r here!! y??"

ppl shut their shop completely on sunday looks like sec 144 posed in the city :( ....they shud learn from the grocery shop guy who is infront of my house in delhi....he closes the shop at 1pm and opens at 5 in the morning :)

the guys in my team categorize the local gals into only 2 categories..
1. good looking
2. too good looking

The government literally pampers its citizens by providing best facility in almost everything.

After the first snow in the city it looked like a wonderland of a fairy tale!!!!

All major cities in this country look alike, they hav an old city and a lake in the middle of the city.
Rest of the concrete jungle is built newly everywhere

This is the most peace loving country :) never attacked anyone or being attacked

Last but not the least...this is the costliest country to live in :(

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Amazing snap!!!

A picture tells thousand words :)
A smile lightens any moment in life!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Last year....around same time i watched "TZP" and came out of theatre emotionally and prayed tat i hope we get the oscars this time (and TZP is offical entry to oscars..though it didnt make to final 5 :()................after an year..........browsing through downloadable movie site i did download "SLUMDOG MILLIONARE" and i must confess.........i was on the edge of my seat from first scene to last.............FANTASTIC SCREENPLAY!!! if TZP is the story of every middle class child in india then SM is the story of lowerclass child in india.
The JHAKAAS actor Anil Kapoor has done a JHAKAAS acting in it. The story is abt a slum guy JAMAAL who is a humble tea-maker from the streets of Mumbai who appears on a game show and exceeds people's expectations, raising suspicions from the game show host and law enforcement. The smart thing here is each question asked in the game show has an incident related to his life. Thats y i say fantastic story as well. The only regret i had about this movie is that, i wish an indian director directed it. It is directed by Danny Boyle a british director. A special mention of very good music from our very own A R Rehman is must. He won Golden globe for this and am hoping for oscar as well.It releases in india @ jan 9. Dont miss it!!!!!!!