Monday, January 14, 2008

Every child is special!!!

I know I am writing abt TZP after almost a month of its release............but i am still having the effect of the movie on me!!

No doubt I am die hard fan of aamir n was very curious to see his debut direction!! n he never led my (infact whole world's) expectations down!!

The last time the movie inspired me to sit n write the blog was RDB n no doubt the feeling evaporated in few days before i was about to sit n start writing ;)

wats so spl abt TZP ? the answer is quite make u feel understand n conclude tat every child is really special irrespective of it is good/bad at
looks, studies, athletcis, painting , dancing, singing etc.

I guess every one(at least indian) cud connect to he/she had tat kind of childhood or had seen it happening to their siblings or friends.Though not every one cried out seeing the movie i can bet tat an emotional chord did strike wen they saw the movie.

Hats off to Aamir!!!

I must say one thing which my spiderman's fav quote "great responsibility comes along with great power!!" so hoping to see his next venture at next level(of course upwards!!)