Thursday, May 31, 2007

There is no caste in blood, but it is ....

Let us accept it that our nation is ruled by caste right from politics to education to govt jobs to temples...The world will definitely think that the India is the nation where at one end we are boosting about modernization and on the other end people thrive to be born in lower caste.Its the 60th year of independent India and I can still sense the country's every nook n corner ruled by caste right from Kerala to Rajasthan.

Look at India's famous temple in Kerala Guruvayur which didn't allow Sonia Gandhi during Rajiv Gandhi's era to enter temple as she is non-Hindu. Recently when one of the union of minister's family visited the temple, it was purified as his wife was non-Hindu. In fact the temple has a board outside saying tat "ENTRY OF NON-HINDU IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED!!!!" My question is, can't Guruvayur god bless non-Hindu's? does he really has problem? I wish I cud communicate with him!!! I still remember my neighbour of upper caste in the past who was not allowing the maid to enter her kitchen just bcoz god's photos n idols are kept there and the maid is lower caste lady!!! I wish I cud communicate with those photos n idols as do they hav a problem? This is one face of the nation.

Lets come to Rajasthan to see other face of nation where Gurjar's are fighting to an extent that military is called to control the situation..Reason is they are put in to OBC quota...but they want to be in ST!!!! Wooow this is Independent India post 60 years. I feel today lower caste ppl are the most powerful ones as the country thinks twice to touch him/her. They are vote bank for politicians. Look at how a regional party in UP sweeped the seat n formed a govt without coaliting with other parties which is filled with lower caste. 2006 witnessed a major activity by students from all the parts of nation for/against fighting for OBC quota seats in education system!!!!

I wonder if Gandhi Nehru Ambedkar were alive ... wat wud hav been their reaction...

Sir Edwin Arnold once quoted "There is no caste in blood"...but it is in my nation's nook n corner


DCM said...

they are 'Gurjars', not 'Gujjars'!

Uday said...

Well said. As long as vote bank politics exist the reservation will continue. And it is natural human tendency to thrive for the benefits either in the name of caste or race.

Prashanth said...

This rubbish Caste system is affecting in all walks of life in India.These things are happening bcos of our stupid politicians.Even if we want to leave caste system,I believe these politicians won't allow us to do.
I really don't understand why we have caste column in any govt applications forms, when we call India a "Secular Country".This is bizzare and this happens only in India :).